Integrating into a Simulation#
This document provides some general guidelines to integrate the SmartRedis client into existing simulation codebases. Developers of these simulation codebases will need to identify the exact places to add the code; generally SmartRedis calls will only need to be added in two places:
Main loop
Creating the client#
The SmartRedis client must be initialized before it can be used to communicate with the orchestrator. In the C++ and Python versions of the clients, this is done when creating a new client. In the C and Fortran client an initialize method must be called.
#include "client.h"
SmartRedis::Client client(use_cluster);
from smartredis import Client
client = Client(use_cluster)
use smartredis_client, only : client_type
include ""
type(client_type) :: client
return_code = client%initialize(use_cluster)
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error in initialization'
#include "client.h"
#include "sr_enums.h"
void* client = NULL;
return_code = SmartRedisCClient(use_cluster, &client)
if (return_code != SRNoError) {
return -1
All these methods only have one configurable parameter – indicated in the above cases by the variable use_cluster. If this parameter is true, then the client expects to be able to communicate with an orchestrator with three or more shards.
(Parallel Programs): Creating unique names#
For parallel applications, each rank or thread that is communicating with the orchestrator will likely need to create a unique prefix for names to prevent another rank or thread inadvertently overwriting data. This prefix should be used for when creating the name of a tensor, dataset, and model that needs to be unique to a given rank. (Note: for models run within SmartSim, Additional prefixing may done by the client when running an ensemble and/or multiple data sources). Any identifier can be used, though typically the MPI rank number (or equivalent identifier) is a useful, unique number.
const std::string name_prefix << std::format("{:06}_", *rank_id);
name_prefix = f"{rank_id:06d}_"
character(len=12) :: name_prefix
write(name_prefix,'(A,I6.6)') rank_id
char[7] name_prefix;
name_prefix = sprintf(name_prefix", "%06d\0", *rank_id);
Storing scripts and models#
The last task that typically needs to be done is to store models or scripts that will be used later in the simulation. When using a clustered orchestrator, this only needs to be done by one client (unless each rank requires a different model or script). MPI rank 0 is often a convenient choice to set models and scripts.
if (root_client) {
client.set_model_from_file(model_name, model_file, backend, device)
if root_client:
client.set_model_from_file(model_name, model_file, backend, device)
if (root_client) return_code = client%set_model_from_file(model_name, model_file, backend, device)
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error setting model'
if (root_client) {
return_code = client.set_model_from_file(client, model_name, model_file, backend, device)
if (return_code != SRNoError) {
return -1
Main loop#
Within the main loop of the code (e.g. every timestep or iteration of a solver), the developer typically uses the SmartRedis client methods to implement a workflow which may include receiving data, sending data, running a script or model, and/or retrieving a result. These workflows are covered extensively in the walkthroughs for the Fortran, C++, and python clients and the integrations with MOM6, OpenFOAM, LAMMPS, and others.
Generally though, developers are advised to:
Find locations where file I/O would normally happen and either augment or replace code to use the SmartRedis client and store the data in the orchestrator
Use the name_prefix created during initialization to avoid accidental writes/reads from different clients
Use the SmartSim dataset type when using clients representing decomposed subdomains to make the retrieval/use of the data more performant
Full example#
The following pseudocode is used to demonstrate various aspects of instrumenting an existing simulation code with SmartRedis. This code is representative of solving the time-evolving heat equation. but we will augment it using an ML model to provide a preconditioning step each iteration and post the state of the simulation to the orchestrator.
program main
! Initialize the model, setup MPI, communications, read input files
call initialize_model(temperature, number_of_timesteps)
main_loop: do i=1,number_of_timesteps
! Write the current state of the simulation to a file
call write_current_state(temperature)
! Call a time integrator to step the temperature field forward
call timestep_simulation(temperature)
end program main
Following the guidelines from above, the first step is to initialize the client and create a unique identifier for the given processor. This should be done within roughly the same portion of the code where the rest of the model performs the initialization of other components.
! Import SmartRedis modules
use, only smartredis_client : client_type
! Include all fortran enumerators especially for error checking
include ""
! Declare a new variable called client and a string to create a unique
! name for names
type(client_type) :: smartredis_client
character(len=7) :: name_prefix
integer :: mpi_rank, mpi_code, return_code
! Note adding use_cluster as an additional runtime argument for SmartRedis
call initialize_model(temperature, number_of_timesteps, use_cluster)
return_code = smartredis_client%initialize(use_cluster)
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error in init'
call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpi_rank, mpi_code)
! Build the prefix for all tensors set in this model
write(name_prefix,'(I6.6,A)') mpi_rank, '_'
! Assume all ranks will use the same machine learning model, so no need to
! add the prefix to the model name
if (mpi_rank==0) then
return_code = set_model_from_file("example_model_name", "path/to/", "TORCH", "gpu")
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error in setting model'
Next, add the calls in the main loop to send the temperature to the orchestrator
character(len=30), dimension(1) :: model_input, model_output
main_loop: do i=1,number_of_timesteps
! Write the current state of the simulation to a file
call write_current_state(temperature)
model_input(1) = name_prefix//"temperature"
model_output(1) = name_prefix//"temperature_out"
return_code = smartredis_client%put_tensor(model_input(1), temperature)
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error in putting tensor'
! Run the machine learning model
return_code = smartredis_client%run_model("example_model_name", model_input, model_output)
! The following line overwrites the prognostic temperature array
return_code = smartredis_client%unpack_tensor(model_output(1), temperature)
if (return_code .ne. SRNoError) stop 'Error in retrieving tensor'
! Call a time integrator to step the temperature field forward
call timestep_simulation(temperature)
This model will now use the client every timestep to put a temperature array in the orchestrator, instruct the orchestrator to call a machine learning model for prediction/inference, and unpack the resulting inference into the existing temperature array. For more complex examples, please see some of the integrations in the SmartSim Zoo or feel free to contact the team at